Die Befragung von
Gisela Lehmer-Kerkloh und Thomas Przybilka
Ein Service der Alligatorpapiere.
Piet Teigeler
Question: Why crime mystery?
P. Teigeler: Because, as a boy, I was so concentrated on Simenon, James Hadley Chase, Earle Stanley Gardner, Agatha Christie, Ngayo Marsh etc., that I forgot to study Latin and Greek. So I flunked high school and without a diploma … what can a man do?
Question: Do you know any German crime stories?
P. Teigeler: Not really. I read Edgar Wallace in German though.
Question: Which author is overrated?
P. Teigeler: Raymond Chandler. Most of his immortality comes from Bogart & Bacall who gave his stories another dimension on screen.
Question: Which author is underrated?
P. Teigeler: Any good crime writer. The genre is still underrated.
Question: Is crime fiction literature to you?
P. Teigeler: Some of it is. Like some of the mainline genres is not.
Question: How did you get into crime fiction?
P. Teigeler: By reading it.
Question: What is your favourite murder weapon?
P. Teigeler: The chainsaw. Alas, the Texans discovered it first.
Question: Murder – is it necessary in a crime story?
P. Teigeler: In mine it is. Murder is the ultimate conflict.
Question: Why do you write?
P. Teigeler: It is a bit like thinking out loud. Walking through the city mumbling to yourself is frowned upon, whereas writing is an accepted form of senility.
Question: Are your crime stories set in the present?
P. Teigeler: Most of them are. Commish Carpentier and his sidekick Dewit, have aged and been promoted since I began to write about them in 1995. But I have also written crime stories that are set in the 16th century and in the late thirties of the 20th century.
Question: Where would you choose the setting?
P. Teigeler: Until now all my work is set in Antwerp, my former home town. In 2006 I'll finish the 10th Carpentier & Dewit and after that, I think I'll have my characters say good bye to the old country.
Question: What do food and drink mean to you?
P. Teigeler: Culture.
Question: Sex in crime fiction: how do you view it/use it?
P. Teigeler: I suggest it. If I were writing in the early sixties I would be more explicit about it. But in the beginning of the 21st century I feel I don't have to do what everybody else does. Sex in literature has become a bit of a bore.
Question: If you do use it, why?
P. Teigeler: – – –
Question: If not, why not?
P. Teigeler: – – –
Question: Is there such a thing as "women's" crime fiction?
P. Teigeler: There certainly is. I do not think that Ruth Rendell's writing about families and their emotions could be imitaded by men. On the other end of the scale, this also goes for the hyped soap operas of Donna Tartt and the likes.
Question: For whom do you write?
P. Teigeler: For those who will read what I want to write. Not for those who think they know how to make my books sell more copies.
Question: Plot development – your first thoughts?
P. Teigeler: Difficult, a bit boring, but necessary.
Question: Do you make any notes and where do you get your ideas from?
P. Teigeler: I make notes, mislay them, make other notes and finally use what I can remember. My ideas come from reality: daily news, places I visit, shreds of conversation I overhear.
Question: Where do you write?
P. Teigeler: At home in my study.
Question: Does the PC get in the way of your writing?
P. Teigeler: On the contrary. It allows me to finally deliver a clean typescript without the use of bloody Tippex and Copex. The Internet gave me the freedom to do away with all encyclopaedias and reference books.
Question: Your favourite book as a child?
P. Teigeler: I am doubt between "The Three Musketeers" and "Treasure Island".
Question: Your favourite book today?
P. Teigeler: Every year I read the work of my countryman, Willem Elsschot, again. And I also have a weakness for "The Catcher in the Rye". If you really mean 'today': I am reading "Alarm Call" from the Oz Blackstones series by Quintin Jardine, that I find mildly entertaining.
Question: Your favourite male/female crime writer?
P. Teigeler: Male: Elmore Leonard. Female: P.D. James.
Question: Your favourite movie?
P. Teigeler: Only one? What about "Amadeus"?
Question: Your favourite drink?
P. Teigeler: Pure spring water directly from the spring (I don't spit in my wineglass either).
Question: Do you cook?
P. Teigeler: No, but I can appreciate fine cooking.
Question: Do you go out to eat, if so where?
P. Teigeler: My wife and I have a couple of secret places where the food and the wine are not almost perfect, but spot on. We'll take you there some day, but you have to agree to a blindfold while we drive there.
Question: What is your favourite item of clothing?
P. Teigeler: A thirty year old sports jacket.
Question: Soccer – is this a topic for you?
P. Teigeler: No thanks.
Question: Women/men – is the relationship between the sexes important to you?
P. Teigeler: What do you mean by "the relationship between the sexes"? Is that a polite way to describe shagging? Of course it is important.
Question: What is your favourite city in your country?
P. Teigeler: Antwerp.
Question: Your favourite country?
P. Teigeler: Spain.
Question: What do you love?
P. Teigeler: Good books, fine art, fresh air, Mozart, gourmet cooking, buying concert tickets and staying home after all, hot showers in the morning, walk through the Antwerp harbour and spit in the black water from the height of a bridge, strong coffee while I read newspapers online ...
Question: What do you detest?
P. Teigeler: Work, answering stupid questions, go to dinner with people who do not appreciate food, sponsored audiences who applaud between the movements of a symphony, Chopin, conceptual art, heavy perfumes, phone calls.
Question: What was your best subject at school?
P. Teigeler: Languages.
Question: What was your worst subject – and way?
P. Teigeler: Math. Because I was so good at languages.
Question: Your dream job?
P. Teigeler: Journalist (dream came through and that helped me out of the dream). Still there are many other crafts that make me shudder in revulsion.
Question: Do you have any idea why you answered this list of questions?
P. Teigeler: Because Thomas insisted.
Piet Teigeler
Der flämisch-sprachige belgische Autor wurde 1936 geboren. Piet Teigeler war über 30 Jahre als Journalist tätig, um sich dann ausschließlich der Schriftstellerei zu widmen. Als freier Schriftsteller gehört Piet Teigeler zu den bekanntesten flämisch-sprachigen Autoren in der Sparte Kriminalroman.
2000 erhielt Piet Teigeler den "Hercule Poirotprijs" für seinen Kriminalroman "De zwarte dood". 2002 wird sein Krimi "Het dwaalspoor" für den Hercule Poirotprijs nominiert. Von seinen Kriminalromanen liegen bisher – leider – noch keine deutschen Übersetzungen vor!
Nach Beendigung seines Berufslebens als Journalist in Antwerpen, zog Piet Teigeler nach Spanien. Dort lebt er mit Frau und Hund. Seit 2004 ist Piet Teigeler Präsident der AIEP / IACW (Asociación Internacional de Escritores Poliacos / International Association of Crime Writers).
Unter dem Pseudonym Woody Dubois hat er zusammen mit E. van Hee zwei weitere Krimis geschrieben.
Homepage: www.teigeler.net
Die Kriminalromane:
[als Piet Teigeler]
1995, Een dode op Sint-Anneke
1996, De koningin van de Vogelenmarkt is dood!
1996, Elvis dood in Deurne
1997, Drie dode meesters
1998, De geur van God
2000, De zwarte dood
2001, Karoshi
2002, Het dwaalspoor
2003, Dodenakker
[als Woody Dubois]
1997, De Atomium-tapes
1978, Het Noordzee-incident
Stand: September 2005
© Gisela Lehmer-Kerkloh & Thomas Przybilka
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Die Befragenden:
Gisela Lehmer-Kerkloh
rezensiert Kriminalliteratur. Sie ist Mitglied bei den Sisters in Crime sowie Amiga im Syndikat.
Bei den Alligatorpapieren veröffentlicht sie regelmäßig ihren "Krimi-Kurier"
Letzte Buchveröffentlichung:
Siggi Baumeister oder: Eine Verfolgung quer durch die Eifel.
Die Eifelkrimis des Jacques Berndorf.
84 S., 2001; EUR 10,50
NordPark Verlag
Thomas Przybilka
verdient seinen Lebensunterhalt als Buchhändler. Er ist langjähriges Mitglied der "Autorengruppe Deutschsprachige Kriminalliteratur Das Syndikat". 1989 baute er das international bekannte "Bonner Krimi Archiv (Sekundärliteratur)" [BOKAS] auf. Bei den Alligatorpapieren veröffentlicht er regelmäßig seine "Krimi-Tipps zur Sekundärliteratur zum Krimi." Zahlreiche Publikationen zur Kriminalliteratur in Fachanthologien und -magazinen im In- und Ausland. Kriminalgeschichten in Deutschland, Bulgarien und Spanien.
Letzte Buchveröffentlichung:
Siggi Baumeister oder: Eine Verfolgung quer durch die Eifel.
Die Eifelkrimis des Jacques Berndorf.
84 S., 2001; EUR 10,50
NordPark Verlag