Die Befragung von Gisela Lehmer-Kerkloh und Thomas Przybilka
Ein Service der Alligatorpapiere.

Lawrence Block

Q: Why crime mystery?

L. Block: It just turned out that way. The stories I seemed to have the most success with, and take the most satisfaction in, tended to be in the field of crime fiction. It's a very large field, and I've never felt confined by it.

Q: Do you know any German crime stories?

L. Block: I'm afraid I don't, no. Unless you want to count Gunter Grass and Hans Habe; I haven't read either of them in years, but at one time enjoyed much of their work.

Q: If so, what does German crime mysteries mean to you?

L. Block: – – –

Question: Do you think, German crime fiction can compete with international crime fiction?

L. Block: – – –

Q: Which author is overrated?

L. Block: – – –

Q: Which author is underrated?

L. Block: – – –

Q: Is crime fiction literature to you?

L. Block: Yes, of course. And much of what is generally acknowledged to be great literature is in fact crime fiction. Most of Shakespeare, for example.

Q: How did you get into crime fiction?

L. Block: I wrote a story and sold it to a crime fiction magazine.

Q: What is your favourite murder weapon?

L. Block: The human soul.

Q:Murder – is it necessary in a crime story?

L. Block: No. Any crime – or the threat of a crime – is enough. But murder has a gravitas that is often valuable.

Q: Why do you write?

L. Block: If you mean why do I continue to write, I sometimes wonder myself. It can't be because I have a message for the world. I like to live comfortably, and I'm a relentless world traveler, so I suppose I write in order to support that lifestyle.

If you mean why did I start writring in the first place, I suspect it was in the hope of attracting sexual partners. I think I would have been better advised to become a rock star.

Q: Are your crime stories set in the present?

L. Block: Either the present or the very recent past.

Q: Where would you choose the setting?

L. Block: I set almost all of my work in New York, where I live myself, and which I find to be the most exciting and congenial city in the world.

Q: What do food and drink mean to you?

L. Block: Far more than they should.

Q: Sex in crime fiction: how do you view it/use it?

L. Block: I don't think about it, really. I tell the story, and sometimes there is a strong sexual element, and other times none at all. In "SMALL TOWN", a post-9/11 New York novel, the sexual element was so strong that quite a few longtime readers were upset. Others greatly appreciated this aspect of the work.

Q: Sex in crime fiction: how do you view it/use it?

L. Block: I don't think about it, really. I tell the story, and sometimes there is a strong sexual element, and other times none at all. In "SMALL TOWN", a post-9/11 New York novel, the sexual element was so strong that quite a few longtime readers were upset. Others greatly appreciated this aspect of the work.

Q: If you do use it, why?

L. Block: – – –

Q: If not, why not?

L. Block: – – –

Q: Is there such a thing as "women's" crime fiction?

L. Block: I've no idea. I know that my own audience seems to be an even mixture of men and women.

Q: For whom do you write?

L. Block: I don't even think about that – I just write for the reader I would be if I didn't happen to have written the book.

Q: Plot development – your first thoughts?

L. Block: I don't know how this works.

Q: Do you make any notes and where do you get your ideas from?

L. Block: I get my ideas from my imagination. I rarely make notes.

Q: Where do you write?

L. Block: More often than not I go away to a writers colony and isolate with the work for a month or so.

Q: Does the PC get in the way of your writing?

L. Block: No, because I have a Mac.

Q: Your favourite book as a child?

L. Block: – – –

Q: Your favourite book today?

L. Block: – – –

Q: Your favourite male/female crime writer?

L. Block: – – –

Q: Your favourite movie?

L. Block: "Same Time Next Year".

Q: Your favourite drink?

L. Block: Black coffee

Q: Do you cook?

L. Block: I can, and sometimes do.

Q: Do you go out to eat, if so where?

L. Block: We mostly go out to eat. There are several excellent restaurants within a quarter-mile of our apartment, and we usually go to one or another of them.

Q: What is your favourite item of clothing?

L. Block: – – –

Q: Soccer – is this a topic for you?

L. Block: I very much enjoy American football. I've tried to enjoy soccer, but it doesn't work for me. It seems to me in a soccer game that everybody is very busy, but nothing happens.

Q: Women/men – is the relationship between the sexes important to you?

L. Block: My own relations with women are important to me. I really don't much care how other men and women relate to one another.

Q: What is your favourite city in your country?

L. Block: New York.

Q: Your favourite country?

L. Block: The United States, certainly. Beyond that, well, I travel extensively, and I like most of the places I go to. I have been only briefly in Germany --- in Köln, in Baden-Baden, and in the Alps. I enjoyed the little time I did spend in Germany, and have always wanted to get to Berlin, but for some reason haven't been there yet. Some of my paternal ancestors came from Germany.

Q: What do you love?

L. Block: – – –

Q: What do you detest?

L. Block: – – –

Q: What was your best subject at school?

L. Block: English and history, I suppose – but I was pretty good at everything. I was a smart kid.

Q: What was your worst subject – and why?

L. Block: – – –

Q: Your dream job?

L. Block: The one I have.

Q: Do you have any idea why you answered this list of questions?

L. Block: Well, I had the good sense to leave some of them blank. I answered the others out of friendship for Thomas.

Lawrence Block
Geboren am 24.6.1938 in Buffalo, N.Y. Lawrence Block heiratete 1960 Loretta, 1973 Scheidung.1983 heiratete Lawrence Block zum zweiten Mal. Lawrence Block und seine Frau Lynne leben in New York. Aus der ersten Ehe hat er drei Töchter.

Lawrence Block gehört mit zu den fleißigsten Kriminalschriftstellern der USA. Seine englischsprachige Titelliste umfaßt mehr als 60 Kriminalromane, 16 Anthologien und bisher 4 Sachbücher. 83 seiner Kurzkrimis kann man in der Anthologie "Enough Rope" nachlesen. Zudem sind zahlreiche Artikel in "American Heritage", "Redbook", "Playboy", "Cosmopolitan", "GQ" und "The New York Times" erschienen. Eine Auflistung dieser englischsprachigen Titel würde den Rahmen "Der Befragungen" sprengen.

Lawrence Block schreibt nicht nur unter seinem Klarnamen, sondern auch unter den Pseudonymen William Ard, Jill Emerson, Chip Harrison, Paul Kavanaugh, Sheldon Lord und Andrew Shaw.

Lawrence "Larry" Block ist "Grand Master" der Mystery Writers of America (MWA) und war Präsident sowohl der MWA als auch der Private Eye Writers of America. Lawrence Block wurde mit zahlreichen amerikanischen und internationalen Preisen gewürdigt. Er erhielt jeweils 4 mal den "Edgar" und den "Shamus Award", 2 mal den "Japanese Maltese Falcon Award", gleichfalls wurde er mit den "Nero Wolfe Award" und dem "Philip Marlowe Award" ausgezeichnet. Kürzlich wurde Lawrence Block mit dem "Life Achievement Award" der Private Eye Writers of America geehrt. In Frankreich wurde er zum "Grand Maitre du Roman Noir" ernannt und bekam, ebenfalls in Frankreich, 2 mal den Preis der Vereinigung "813 - Les amis de la littérature policière". Und als wäre es der Ehrungen nicht genug, wurde ihm auch noch der Schlüssel der Stadt Muncie, Indiana anvertraut.

Lawrence Block und seine Frau Lynne bezeichnen sich selbst als enthusiastische New Yorker und erbarmungslose Weltreisende ("relentless world travelers"). Kein Wunder - man konnte ihn auf Krimi-Festivals in Australien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Neuseeland und Spanien antreffen.

Homepage: www.lawrenceblock.com



Die Kriminalromane:
1967, Doppelspiel zu dritt. Heyne
1967, Mord im Hotel. Winther
1970, Eva starb im Doppelbett. Heyne
1970, Die Mörderlady. Heyne
1970, Die Spezialisten. Heyne
1970, Tödliche Flitterwochen. Heyne
1972, Hot pants lassen Mörder kalt. Heyne
1972, Zwölf Mädchen und der Supermann. Heyne
1975, Feinde bis zum Tod. Heyne
1977, Mord unter vier Augen. Pabel
1978, Ein Gentleman in der Klemme
1978, In der Mitte des Todes, Pabel
1979, Blutgeld für einen Toten. Pabel
1980, Frisch geklaut ist halb gemordet. Scherz
1983, Wer immer klaut, dem glaubt man nicht. Scherz
1984, Alte Morde rosten nicht. Scherz
1984, Ein Philosoph mit langen Fingern. Scherz
1985, Viele Wege führen zu Mord. Heyne
1987, Mord ist keine schöne Kunst. Scherz
1987, Nach der Sperrstunde. Heyne
1988, Alte Morde rosten nicht. Piper
1989, Die Nacht trägt schwarz. Heyne
1990, Nur tote Zeugen reden. Piper
1991, Ein Ticket für den Friedhof. Heyne
1991, Engel der Nacht. Heyne
1991, Viele Wegen führen zum Mord. Piper
1992, Der Dieb, der wie Mondrian malte. Piper
1993, Der Dieb, der gern Kipling zitierte. Piper
1993, Der Dieb im Schrank. Piper
1993, Diebe nehmen, was sie kriegen. Piper
1993, Tanz im Schlachthof. Haffmans bei heyne
1994, Alte Morde rosten nicht. Scherz
1994, Endstadtion Friedhof. Haffmans bei Heyne
1995, Der Teufel weiß alles. Haffmans bei Heyne
1995, Nur tote Zeugen reden. Scherz
1996, Der Privatclub. Haffmans bei Heyne
1998, Im Namen des Volkes, Heyne
2001, Die Meister lassen morden. Goldmann Taschenbuch Verlag

Stand: 9.9.2004

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Die Befragenden:

Gisela Lehmer-Kerkloh rezensiert Kriminalliteratur. Sie ist Mitglied bei den Sisters in Crime sowie Amiga im Syndikat.
Bei den Alligatorpapieren veröffentlicht sie regelmäßig ihren "Krimi-Kurier" Letzte Buchveröffentlichung:
Siggi Baumeister oder: Eine Verfolgung quer durch die Eifel. Die Eifelkrimis des Jacques Berndorf.
84 S., 2001; EUR 10,50
NordPark Verlag

Thomas Przybilka verdient seinen Lebensunterhalt als Buchhändler. Er ist langjähriges Mitglied der "Autorengruppe Deutschsprachige Kriminalliteratur Das Syndikat". 1989 baute er das international bekannte "Bonner Krimi Archiv (Sekundärliteratur)" [BOKAS] auf. Bei den Alligatorpapieren veröffentlicht er regelmäßig seine "Krimi-Tipps zur Sekundärliteratur zum Krimi." Zahlreiche Publikationen zur Kriminalliteratur in Fachanthologien und -magazinen im In- und Ausland. Kriminalgeschichten in Deutschland, Bulgarien und Spanien. Letzte Buchveröffentlichung:
Siggi Baumeister oder: Eine Verfolgung quer durch die Eifel. Die Eifelkrimis des Jacques Berndorf.
84 S., 2001; EUR 10,50
NordPark Verlag