Die Befragung von
Gisela Lehmer-Kerkloh und Thomas Przybilka
Ein Service der Alligatorpapiere.
Garry Disher
Q: Why crime mystery?
G. Disher: My favourite recreational reading has always been crime fiction.
Question: Do you know any German crime stories?
G. Disher: The novels of Pieke Biermann.
Question: If so, what does German crime mysteries mean to you?
G. Disher: I did an author tour of Germany in 2002 and sensed the diversity of German crime fiction, taking in regionally based novels/authors and harder edged, socially and politically conscious writers and novels.
Question: Do you think, German crime fiction can compete with international crime fiction?
G. Disher: Yes.
Q: Which author is overrated?
G. Disher: Patricia Cornwell
Q: Which author is underrated?
G. Disher: Ridley Pearson
Q: Is crime fiction literature to you?
G. Disher: Yes.
Q: How did you get into crime fiction?
G. Disher: I was commissioned to write a short story for an anthology of stories based on a famous Australian painting. It turned into a crime story. After that I wrote the first Wyatt novel, and was commissioned to write crime short stories for a series of annual anthologies published for the Christmas market.
Q: What is your favourite murder weapon?
G. Disher: Rifle (I like the idea of a sniper – the secrecy and remoteness of the act).
Q:Murder – is it necessary in a crime story?
G. Disher: No.
Q: Why do you write?
G. Disher: I enjoy telling stories and revealing the world around me.
Q: Are your crime stories set in the present?
G. Disher: Yes. In many ways I can't see the point of historical crime fiction. It's often gimmicky.
Q: Where would you choose the setting?
G. Disher: I don't understand the question. I have chosen the Australian settings in which I've lived for my crime fiction.
Q: What do food and drink mean to you?
G. Disher: Everything in fiction must grow out of the characters, not be stamped on them by the author. If one of my characters enjoys drinking red wine or eating raw garlic, this would not be mentioned unless it mattered in some way. No cute gimmicks.
Q: Sex in crime fiction: how do you view it/use it?
G. Disher: See my answer to the last question. I'd put in sex (suggested rather than described) only if it mattered to the plot or characters.
Q: Sex in crime fiction: how do you view it/use it?
L. Block: I don't think about it, really. I tell the story, and sometimes there is a strong sexual element, and other times none at all. In "SMALL TOWN", a post-9/11 New York novel, the sexual element was so strong that quite a few longtime readers were upset. Others greatly appreciated this aspect of the work.
Q: If you do use it, why?
G. Disher: See the last two questions. Everything in fiction must have a purpose rather than have mere titillation value.
Q: If not, why not?
G. Disher: – – –
Q: Is there such a thing as "women's" crime fiction?
G. Disher: There seems to be. I'm aware of a huge market for cosy mysteries in the UK and USA. There's nothing sweet and light about real crime.
Q: For whom do you write?
G. Disher: Mainly myself, and then I hope my books find a market.
Q: Plot development – your first thoughts?
G. Disher: I often take newspaper stories (of crimes or certain actions of people) and imagine the backgrounds and emotions (I don't need to know what really happened: I imagine explanations – motives, in other words – and get my plots out of that. I try to balance plot and character.
Q: Do you make any notes and where do you get your ideas from?
G. Disher: See also last question. I'm forever making notes about plots and characters
Q: Where do you write?
G. Disher: A room in my house is set aside as a study.
Q: Does the PC get in the way of your writing?
G. Disher: No. I write the first draft by hand (a blue ballpoint pen on the backs of old manuscripts) and then use the computer for the second and subsequent drafts.
Q: Your favourite book as a child?
G. Disher: The Biggles novels of Captain W. E. Johns (very British, simple adventures about a pilot. I would find them unreadable now).
Q: Your favourite book today?
G. Disher: I have several: Don De Lillo's "White Noise", E. Annie Proulx's "The Shipping News", Richard Ford's "Wildlife".
Q: Your favourite male/female crime writer?
G. Disher: Ridley Pearson and Karin Slaughter
Q: Your favourite movie?
G. Disher: Apocalypse Now.
Q: Your favourite drink?
G. Disher: Claret.
Q: Do you cook?
G. Disher: Curry and pasta dishes.
Q: Do you go out to eat, if so where?
G. Disher: I live in a rural area, and have a young family, so it's difficult, but I like Italian style bistros.
Q: What is your favourite item of clothing?
G. Disher: My own? My black jacket. Fictional? Inspector Resnick's food-stained tie (the John Harvey novels).
Q: Soccer – is this a topic for you?
G. Disher: I loathe football.
Q: Women/men – is the relationship between the sexes important to you?
G. Disher: Yes.
Q: What is your favourite city in your country?
G. Disher: Sydney (but it's sometimes too big), Hobart (but it's sometimes too small). Both attributes make them ideal settings for crime.
Q: Your favourite country?
G. Disher: Italy.
Q: What do you love?
G. Disher: Reading, walking, cinema, reading to my daughter.
Q: What do you detest?
G. Disher: Right-wing politicians, talking to high-school students.
Q: What was your best subject at school?
G. Disher: English.
Q: What was your worst subject – and why?
G. Disher: Mathematics: I'm okay now, but back then my brain didn't seem to be wired for maths.
Q: Your dream job?
G. Disher: Writing – but making a decent living from it.
Q: Do you have any idea why you answered this list of questions?
G. Disher: I am bewildered, but deeply honoured, to be published in Germany, and wish to give something back to readers.
Garry Disher
Geboren 1949 in Süd-Australien. Garry Disher wuchs dort auf einer Farm auf. 1978 übersiedelte er in die USA, nachdem er ein Stipendium für "creative writing" an der Stanford University (Kalifornien) erhielt. Weitere Stationen waren dann Großbritannien, Italien und Afrika. Garry Disher ist verheiratet und lebt mit seiner Familie in Mornington / Süd-Australien.
Neben seinen Kriminalromanen hat Garry Disher auch Kinderbücher, Belletristik, Anthologien und Sachbücher geschrieben (so z.B. auch über die Kunst des Schreibens). Einige seiner Bücher wurden in Europa und in den USA verlegt. "I could say that I wear three fiction-writing hat – literary, crime and children's – but in my head the three are indistinguishable from each other in terms of worth, writing craft and hard work" erklärt Garry Disher.
Einige von Garry Disher Büchern wurden mit Preisen ausgezeichnet bzw. wurden für Preise nominiert.
1978, Stanford University Writing Fellowship Award
1986, National Short Story Award
1988, nominiert für den Steele Rudd Award ("The Difference to Me", Anthologie)
1991, nominiert für den Steele Rudd Award ("Flamingo Gate", Anthologie)
1993, Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year – Younger Readers
("The Bamboo Flute")
1996, nominiert für den National Book Council Award For Fiction ("The Sunken
1998, nominiert für den National Festival Award for Literature – Fiction (ebenfalls "The Sunken Road")
Pulp Master
Die Kriminalromane:
1999, Gier. Pulp Master 7
2000, Dreck. Pulp Master 11
2001, Drachenmann. Unionsverlag
2002, Drachenmann. UT metro 277
2002, Gier. Knaur 61887
2002, Hinterhalt. Pulp Master 12
2003, Dreck. Knaur 62301
2003, Hinter den Inseln. Unionsverlag
2003, The Apostle Bird. RUB 9101
2003, The Divine Wind. Diesterweg
2004, Hinterhalt. Knaur 62303
2004, Willkür. Pulp Master 15
2005, Port Vila Blues. Pulp Master 18
Stand: Stand: 7.9.2004
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Die Befragenden:
Gisela Lehmer-Kerkloh
rezensiert Kriminalliteratur. Sie ist Mitglied bei den Sisters in Crime sowie Amiga im Syndikat.
Bei den Alligatorpapieren veröffentlicht sie regelmäßig ihren "Krimi-Kurier"
Letzte Buchveröffentlichung:
Siggi Baumeister oder: Eine Verfolgung quer durch die Eifel.
Die Eifelkrimis des Jacques Berndorf.
84 S., 2001; EUR 10,50
NordPark Verlag
Thomas Przybilka
verdient seinen Lebensunterhalt als Buchhändler. Er ist langjähriges Mitglied der "Autorengruppe Deutschsprachige Kriminalliteratur Das Syndikat". 1989 baute er das international bekannte "Bonner Krimi Archiv (Sekundärliteratur)" [BOKAS] auf. Bei den Alligatorpapieren veröffentlicht er regelmäßig seine "Krimi-Tipps zur Sekundärliteratur zum Krimi." Zahlreiche Publikationen zur Kriminalliteratur in Fachanthologien und -magazinen im In- und Ausland. Kriminalgeschichten in Deutschland, Bulgarien und Spanien.
Letzte Buchveröffentlichung:
Siggi Baumeister oder: Eine Verfolgung quer durch die Eifel.
Die Eifelkrimis des Jacques Berndorf.
84 S., 2001; EUR 10,50
NordPark Verlag